there are some nights where everything just kinda feels dead. it's weird, as nights have historically been (for me) when everything happens. it's part of why work was frustrating as hell sometimes, because I'd find I missed everything. As time goes on, things slowly got pared down, and I even feel as if I've missed a lot during the day too whereas in the past I didn't feel like too much happened. I kind of just exist in a vacuum half the time these days. It might be why I find myself falling asleep so often. I need to get myself doing other things again, but I can't help but feel like it's wasted time if I'm not being "productive". Call it old habits from before I got hired, I guess. (Then again, at what I make, if there's anything I can do to boost that income I'd probably do it, even if ultimately it's just a couple hundred dollars a year.) I know I shouldn't be so focused on money. but it's tough when it gets thrown in your face all the time. (I hope I'm not too incoherent lately)