"you will not always feel like this." (c) 2016 endorphant, all rights reserved I'm sure as hell hoping not. I just feel more exhausted after every day. I feel like I need to cut a ton of "superfluous" things from my life as of late. That show's probably not happening, and I don't think I'm going to bother trying anymore. It's too stressful to ask and I'm too distrusting of everyone. I still feel like "the new guy" despite others being newer than me. Perhaps it's because they technically have a higher rank. Perhaps it's favoritism. I don't know. All I know is I think I'm going to go ahead and approach him about getting a consistent schedule. 13:00-21:00 daily would be wonderful. (I'd prefer 9:00-17:00, personally, but for some odd reason they refuse to give anybody consistent opening shifts. whatever.) new RHCP album tomorrow! now will I have the energy to listen to it test