I am a trans woman, this mean I used to be a man in the past, sometimes I will refer myself as a MtF person (Male to Female), I made a transition to become who I am now. The following phlog entries will tell you my journey. It starts in 2014 and ends in 2015 after my sexual reassignement surgery (SRS). This phlog was a work in progress of translating my old web blog into a phlog in english. All this story is a few years old. I wanted to publish regularly translated posts here but I failed after a few. Translating requires me to read again what I wrote and this makes me remember hard times I had during my gender transition, I can't really cope with it, it is really too hard :( Still, I won't stop here, I want to publish a somewhat long text about my transition, but not containing all informations nor the entire timeline or all events I've been going through... TEXT Atom RSS file topics TEXT Dealing with the voice timeline, discontinued TEXT Too hard to remember TEXT Day 3: parents, 1 day after TEXT Day 2: speaking to my parents... TEXT Day 2: feeling pure TEXT Day 2: magic rock TEXT Day 2: vengence TEXT Day 1: start journey