.. .... ... . It's a crackle of three point five thousand revolutions per minute. Bent alluminium scratching the carbon wings. I can hear it too. Last call of a dying machine. No silk branches or yellow stems will grow from the rusted ports anymore. DEATH OF THE INTERNET Coming back breaks 2024-07-07 RELAY bones every time. CAT Often there lies some inate desire to overcomplicate things - to circumvent emotions and pragmatise over the material reality of temporality. The year of immense loss beyond imagination. And in an almost stupefying endeavor to follow the creative calling I find myself cursing the name of the program that brought us all together in the first place. Not to blame it cat(1) / /$\ to praise it. Gimme gimme gimme a hacker after midnight. Hack me through the darkness till the break of the day. Tape over the linkerror, 'doka, because, hacker, your revolution will not be paid for in dirty change. How to assassinate a gophernaut: ''''''''''\,' ''''','''' '''''.'' ;'' And the technomancer waves their crooked stick wrapped in golden wires around, chanting from the book of the cyber wars prove me w ro n g .