triapul AUTOMA
       gopher magazine in unix_surrealism
   DIR ..
  TEXT 09-11 envy
  TEXT 09-03 a fitting end
  TEXT 07-19 How to Kill a Ghost - OCC4
  TEXT 07-14 Fan of Fans 
  TEXT 07-03 Erik Sandewall's speech
  TEXT 06-14 the egg of time
  TEXT 04-12 sin done in water
  TEXT 03-12 sp-dl
  TEXT 03-08 ceskenoviny volume 3
  TEXT 03-02 reading html emails in mutt with links2
  TEXT 02-29 firefox user agents
  TEXT 02-01 3.5chan
  TEXT 01-28 underside
  TEXT 01-27 govidious
  TEXT 01-14 dmenu meistershtik I.
  TEXT 01-12 6 days to calgary
  TEXT 11-17 jezebel cheblik
  TEXT 11-10 the who in charge of entropy
  TEXT 11-07 Lust, agony & being the villain
  TEXT 10-26 Don't expect the reader to know what you mean
  TEXT 10-25 Descend into darkness!
  TEXT 10-02 Still Vienna
  TEXT 09-22 Followers of the one good browser
  TEXT 09-09 A large metal tube through the throat
  TEXT 08-25 Video of a man killing rats
  TEXT 08-14 Bop Skitfeld
  TEXT 08-04 FreeBSD desktop
  TEXT 08-03 Head in Pisces
  TEXT 08-01 100 typewriters
  TEXT 07-19 The Browser has You
  TEXT 07-17 Child, You want to be a surrealist?
  TEXT 07-06 surrender
   DIR 06-29 Death of a Prophet
  TEXT 06-19 The Voice of the Spirit
  TEXT 06-16 Old Computer Rescue - X201
  TEXT 06-07 the slow decline
  TEXT 06-04 simple-web.org memorial service
  TEXT 05-18 shorty's luakit guide
  TEXT 05-16 return of the wicked machine
  TEXT 05-11 technomage in the world of alternatives
  TEXT 03-31 the machine is not timeless
  TEXT 03-17 Someone Somewhere
  TEXT 03-13 The Battery
  TEXT 03-05 Would you really?
  TEXT 03-05 And then?
  TEXT 03-01 Children of BIOS
  TEXT 02-20 The rat killer
  TEXT 02-03 We, the window managees
  TEXT 12-04 "Naysayers!"
  TEXT 11-30 Old Computer Rescue - E4300
  TEXT 11-28 Bruce preview
  TEXT 11-23 stty raw
  TEXT 11-22 skrish - writing plays in plain text
  TEXT 11-14 Break Apart pt.1
  TEXT 11-02 Bohuslav and Jitka
  TEXT 10-31 rgb
  TEXT 10-17 and so it goes
  TEXT 10-08 Land of the Neverman
  TEXT 09-18 Mother Earth is pregnant
  TEXT 05-21 A small room
  TEXT 05-16 Can you hear it now?
  TEXT 04-29 Chevengur
  TEXT 11-23 NoViCoGE
  TEXT 11-11 Tarot
  TEXT 10-07 br0uk
  TEXT 07-09 The Case of Eternal Computing