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                      !:~~~ .:!M"T#$$$$WX??#MRRMMM!  The
                      ~?WuxiW*`   `"#$$$$8!!!!??!!!  S4rag0ldman
                    :X- M$$$$       `"T#$T~!8$WUXU~  Underground
                   :%`  ~#$$$m:        ~!~ ?$$$$$$   HackerBlog
                 :!`.-   ~T$$$$8xx.  .xWW- ~""##*"  +-----------+
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       Wi.~!X$?!-~    : ?$$$B$Wu("**$RM!    - F*** The Society!
       $R@i.~~ !     :   ~$$$$$B$$en:``
       ?MXT@Wx.~    :     ~"##*$$$$M~
       Recomendo que acesse pelo lynx!
  TEXT Boas vindas!
   DIR Por que o Gopher?
   DIR Gopherholes de outros membros do Vaporhole
  HTML Minha pagina no Vaporhole! 
   DIR Manifesto Anarco-cracker
   DIR Conhecimento livre(Conceitos)
   DIR K.I.S.S(Keep it simple, STUPID!)
       Por enquanto sem posts...
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