Bob Cunnings NW8L
       This year - to the desert for FOBB. The location was up on a mesa
       overlooking the Arroyo Bernalillito area of the Ojito Wilderness 
       northwest of Albuquerque, NM.  A narrow promontory juts out northward 
       from the main body of the mesa, with its head standing about 300 feet 
       above the surrounding terrain at an elevation of 6100 feet. This is a 
       great spot for a QRP station and provides a clear shot for signals to 
       the west, north, and east.
   IMG West view of mesa
       Getting up there isn't too difficult if you take your time. The 
       lower portion consists of steep debris slopes, and the uppermost portion
       a sheer sandstone vertical wall. Fortunately a cleft in the sandstone 
       is located near the operating spot, marked by a gnarly old pinon tree 
       growing out of the rock. A faint, intermittent trail provides a rather 
       tortuous path from the base up to the cleft, and from there a little 
       rockslide on the unstable slope of decomposed mudstone leading to the 
   IMG The antenna
       Once on top I set up the antenna. It is made from 64 feet of 450 
       ohm balanced line. One conductor is opened at the center and connected 
       to the 300 ohm feedline, and serves as directly driven 40 meter dipole. 
       The other conductor is notched out 15 feet in from each end to form a 20
       meter dipole centered at the feedpoint, but not connected (the "coupled
       resonator"). The feedline is 40 feet long and connected directly to 
       KX1, which finds a good match on 30 meters as well as 20 and 40. The 
       feed point was supported by a 32 ft. telescoping fiberglass windsock 
       pole, tied to a juniper tree. Orientation was North/South.
   IMG The KX1 setup
       The rig is my trusty Elecraft KX1, with a small self-powered speaker.
       Power is about 3W on 20 m, 4W on 40 m.
   IMG The solar power setup
       Power was supplied by a 10W solar panel charging a 2AH gel cel.
   IMG The radio shack
       Near the edge the caprock is broken up, and I set up the shack in
       this cleft under the juniper tree holding up the antenna mast, with a 
       "Noah's Tarp" for shade.
   IMG The view to the West
       The view to the West, with Cabezon, a volcanic plug, on the horizon.
   IMG The view to the North
       To the North, the mesa overlooks the area in the Ojito 
       Wilderness where the dinosaur "Seismosaurus" was excavated. Less than a 
       half a mile in are some nice petroglyphs.
   IMG The view to the East
       To the East is seen White Mesa, where gypsum is imined to make wallboard.
       The clouds were building as the day went on, as remnants of Hurricane Dolly
       were drifting in from the southeast.
   IMG The view to the Southeast
       Looking Southeast the main body of the mesa can be seen, and Sandia Mountain
       near Albuquerque is off in the distance.
   IMG The radio shack before the start of FOBB
       Ready to go. Conditions were a little better this year, it 
       seemed. I made 46 QSOs, 42 on 20 meters and 4 on 40 meters. 29 were with
       fellow BBs, and 17 with home stations. It was great to hear more home 
       stations this year, thanks! 20 was the hot band, with some great signals
       - N7OU, N5GW and K5OT come to mind as being strong at my location. Not 
       all were easy however, and I had to really strain to hear those which 
       were fading in and out. I switched to 40 only at the tail end, even then
       signals were quite weak here. 21 states were worked: MI, TX, IL, MN, 
       AL, CA, AR, MO, OR, OH, CO, WY, NM, FL, ID, KY, WA, WI, MS, VA, and GA. 
       It was nice to work into the South, but I couldn't raise any stations in
       New England, although I did hear a few, very faintly.
       Once FOBB was done, I packed up and headed down since I wanted to do
       a little sightseeing in the area and take some pictures before driving home.
   IMG North side of the mesa
       At the bottom there is a tiny relic population of Ponderosa Pines,
       left over from better (wetter) times. They seem really out of place here.
   IMG Some old ruins
       I hiked in about a half mile to the North, near the Seismosaurus site, 
       where there are some old ruins.
   IMG Some petroglyphs
       Nearby are some petroglyphs, on horizontal rock at the edge of 
       the Seismosaurus mesa, overlooking the Arroyo Bernalillito area. Human 
       arm, turtle, snake, sun, crescent moon, north star - it's the full catalog!
   IMG Petroglyph - hunter and prey
       Here is an action scene, the Hunter and Prey...
   IMG Petroglyph - lizard?
       ... and here, a lizard?
   IMG The abandoned ranch house
       On the way out, a short side trip reveals an abandoned ranch 
       house, at the boundary between BLM land and the Zia Pueblo Reservation.
   IMG The road out
       The old ranch house is sited along an arroyo which crosses the main road here.
       It's a bit muddy from recent rains.
   IMG A free range cow
       Seismosaurus may be gone, but now the open range is roamed by New
       Mexico's new dominant megafauna, the beef cow. The fence separates BLM 
       range land from the Zia reservation in the background.
       See you next year!
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