Bob Cunnings NW8L
       This year I returned to the Ojito Wilderness for FOBB. The location was
       up on a mesa overlooking the Arroyo Bernalillito area of the Wilderness 
       northwest of Albuquerque, NM, adjacent to Zia Pueblo lands. A narrow 
       promontory juts out northward from the main body of the mesa, with its
       head standing about 300 feet above the surrounding terrain at an elevation 
       of 6100 feet. This is a great spot for a QRP station if you don't mind 
       the July heat!
   IMG Entrance sign to the Ojito Wilderness
   IMG North view of the mesa
       The caprock forms a sheer vertical sandstone wall at the top and the slopes 
       below are steep with ia lot of loose and crumbling rock. The best way up is 
       to climb the ridge at the far left and work up to the wall very gradually 
       over the slopes and terraces below. Then the wall can be followed to the 
       entrance point.
   IMG The cleft in the wall
       A tree marks a break in the sandstone wall which is one of the few places 
       offering easy access to the top.
   IMG The final passage
       Here a tree is perched precariously on a sandstone shelf supported by 
       crumbling mudstone.
   IMG The antenna
       This year the antenna was a 33 foot doublet with a balanced feedline, made 
       from vinyl speaker wire. The antenna was supported by a 32 ft. telescoping 
       fiberglass windsock pole, tied to a juniper tree. It was set up as a 
       "sloper" with the low end tied off to another juniper tree. This was all I 
       needed since I was making a single-band effort on 20 meters. The rig is my 
       trusty Elecraft KX1, with a small self-powered speaker. Power is supplied 
       by 8 AA cells in an external pack. RF output is about 3W on 20 m.
   IMG The radio shack
       Near the edge the rock is broken up, and I set up the shack in this cleft 
       under the juniper tree holding up the antenna mast, with a "Noah's Tarp" 
       for shade. 
   IMG The view to the West
       To the West is Cabezon, a volcanic plug, looming on the horizon.
   IMG The view to the North
       To the North is the area in the Ojito Wilderness where the dinosaur 
       "Seismosaurus" was excavated. The old track you see leads to the 
       excavation site.
   IMG The view to the East
       To the East is White Mesa, where gypsum is mined to make wallboard. 
   IMG The KX1 set up and ready to go
       Conditions were variable, with stations fading in and out the whole time. 
       I made 39 QSOs, all on 20 meters. 35 were with fellow BBs, and 4 with home 
       stations. 25 states and provinces were worked: 
       ID, CA, MI, WA, IL, OR, GA, MS, WI, WV, ON, NY, AZ, ND, IN, OH, MO, 
       NM, NE, TX, TN, NC, VA, OK and FL.
       Once FOBB was done, I took a few pictures before heading down.
   IMG Some flowers on the mesa
   IMG Some more flowers on the mesa
       Even though this seems like a tough place to live, wildflowers manage to 
       grow here. It rained quite a bit in these parts in the last 2 weeks so 
       these flowers are blooming.
   IMG A juniper tree on the mesa
       The juniper trees are pretty gnarled, this one is showing how they help 
       break up the rock with their roots.
   IMG Old metal fragments
   IMG More old metal fragments
   IMG Even more old metal fragments
       Scattered around on top are old crumpled fragments of heavy iron sheet 
       metal. I've been told that this area was used as a bombing range for the 
       training of B-17 crews flying out of Kirkland Field during WWII, and 
       that these are dummy bomb fragments. I don't know if that is true. If not, 
       it's a mystery, because there seems to be a lot of the stuff out here.
   IMG A stock pond on the range
       Here is a picture of a stock pond filled by recent rains, east of the Ojito 
       on the way out. I haven't seen this pond filled in years. The last time it 
       I saw it filled it was populated by "desert shrimp", strange crustaceans 
       that lurk deep in the ground during dry times, then emerge when the pond 
       fills. I didn't get close enough to look for them this time.
       See you next year!
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