Bob Cunnings NW8L BB #10
       This year I returned to my favorite location, South Sandia Peak in the
       Sandia Wilderness Area, overlooking Albuquerque, NM. The location was
       atop the long north/south ridge a few hundred yards south of the
       summit, at approx. 9600 ft.  elevation. This is a nice location for an
       antenna, with the terrain dropping off sharply to the east and
       west. It's a good 4 hour hike up the South Crest and CCC trails to get
       there but it's well worth the effort.
       The antenna this year was a simple dipole cut for 20m made from Radio
       Shack speaker wire, terminated with a right angle BNC connnector.  It
       can be extended for 30m and 40m operation but I never budged from 20m
       this year. The "shack" was in a nice sheltered depression in the
       limestone just below the ridgeline to the west, with a tarp providing
       shade. I used my 20/30/40 KX1 with autotuner. It was powered from a
       pack of 8 rather tired lithium disposable AA cells.  Power out was
       only a little over 2 watts on 20m.
       I started 30 minutes late but managed a total of 22 qso's - 14 BB and
       8 home stations, all on 20 meters. I wasn't chased off by afternoon
       thunderstorms this year so I kept going until the very end. Conditions
       didn't seem great and most signals were very weak, fading in and
       out. The band seemed short at first but toward the end it went longer
       and I was able to work N1EU/BB in NY and N4KGL/BB in FL. States worked
       included CA, ID, TX, UT, NM, WA, IA, GA, WI, IL, NY, FL.  Thanks to
       all for another great FOBB!
   IMG The backpack
       As always, I sure was glad to drop the pack when I got to the top. It
       was going to be a long day so I had a lot of water in there along with
       everything else.
   IMG The KX1 setup
       This is the rig, my trusty KX1.
   IMG The antenna
       The antenna, set up as an inverted vee, resonant on 20m. I brought
       only the lower 4 sections of a 32 ft. fiberglass windsock pole which
       was tied off to a scrub oak.  In the picture the feedline runs off to
       the right. The antenna is tied to to a piece of deadwood jammed into
       the top of the pole.
   IMG The antenna kit
       The antenna can be extended for 30m and 40m by tying on additional
       lengths of wire with nylon rope and connecting them electrically with
       the automotive type blade connectors you see at the ends of the 20m
       elements in the picture.  The extra lengths are in the bag but I
       didn't bother with them since I planned to operate single band.
   IMG The radio shack
       Here's the shack, under a Noah's Tarp in a notch in the limestone.
   IMG The view to the North
       Looking North toward the summit of South Sandia Peak.
   IMG The view to the South
       Looking south, with the Manzano mountains in the distance.
   IMG The view to the Northwest
       Looking northwest, across the Rio Grande valley, with Cabezon, a
       volcanic plug, on the horizon. The ghost town of Cabezon is located
       near Cabezon, which is sacred to the Navajo.
   IMG The view to the East
       Looking east, as I was coming down off the ridge after FOBB was
       over. A thunderstorm fired up over the San Pedro mountains but it
       fizzled out before long.
       For the Sandia Mountains "medallion tree" hunters out there, here are
       yet more examples I found along the South Crest trail on the way
       down. Rather than take the CCC Trail shortcut I followed the long and
       winding South Crest trail all the way down.  You must follow the "old"
       trail section through the Ponderosa groves to see some of these
       medallion trees. All told, going down this way adds an hour to the
       hike butat least it's not as brutally steep as the more direct CCC
       Trail. Here is the Paul Revere's Ride tree...
   IMG The Paul Revere's Ride tree
   IMG A closeup of the medallion
       Germination date is 1774, but Paul Revere's famous ride took place in
       1775. Close enough.
   IMG 1st Fountain Pen Tree
       This is the 1st Fountain Pen Tree...
   IMG A closeup of the medallion
       Germination date is 1780, which I suppose was the year in which the
       fountain pen was invented.  This tree is at a point where the trail
       makes a sharp turn and it was marked on two sides when the trail was
       blazed long ago.
   IMG Joan of Arc Birth Tree
       This is the Joan of Arc Birth Tree...
   IMG A closeup of the medallion
       Germination date is 1413, about when Joan of Arc was born. This is a
       very old tree!
       I recently ran into another seeker of Medallion Trees on the Pino
       Trail in the Sandias. It's nice to see others who are interested in
       locating them and sharing info. There are upwards of a hundred of
       these trees in the Sandia Wilderness but they are rarely noticed and
       remain somewhat of a mystery.
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