Suomiward bound --------------- In about 36 hours I will set off on my five day tour of the Saariston Rengastie in the Finnish archipelago, the one I mentioned previously in my "Blazing Star" post[1]. I won't have access to my email again until the 15th, so please be patient when waiting for responses! I feel a bit silly saying that, because, let's be honest, sometimes it takes me 12 days or longer to reply even when I'm not off rolling around without a computer, but I'm trying to get better at that, and it still seemed polite to say something. Please look forward to a very complete report on the trip sometime later in July. My computer-related plans for Operation Blazing Star have stalled a little bit, but I'm telling myself this is perfectly natural because it's summer so I've been outdoors more, in part preparing for this upcoming bike tour which is *also* part of the "level up non-computery things" branch of Blazing Star. Once this trip is out of the way, and once the weather starts to cool off, I'll naturally be spending more time on computery stuff and I'm sure momentum will pick right back up. I'm entirely unapologetic about aligning my leisure activities with the seasons. If anything, I ought to lean into that more. Speaking of swinging back toward computer stuff, I have some big plans for Circumlunar Space up my sleeve for August! Stay tuned for an announcement about that later this month as well. [1] gopher://