Tagged gophers -------------- This idea has been bouncing around in my head for months now, I've just finally gotten around to typing it out. I've noticed that dokuja (whose gopherhole has a floppy drive simulator[1], did you know?) very often includes tags in his phlog[2]. I don't *think* I've seen anybody else do this, but I could be wrong. As far as I can tell, there's no way to "use" dokuja's tags, in the sense of being able to see all phlog posts with a given that, they're just...there. The format is very simple, each phlog post just has a line like the following near the end: Tags: #bbs #telnet #gophers It would be *very* easy to detect something like that programmatically. Go through a phlog post line by line, if a line begins with "tag" (case insensitive, and just those three letters, to support e.g. "tags:", "tagged:", "tagged as:") and contains at least one non-initial word beginning with # then it is considered a tagline and all words beginning with # are considered tags. It would not be too hard to write a script which monitored, say, Bongusta[3] and Tomasino's exhaustive phlog roll[4], and scanned all new entries once every 24 hours for tags, keeping results in a database. A gopher front-end to that database could let you see *all* phlogs, from anywhere in the phlogosphere, taged #bbs or whatever. I think this would be a good way to search for content in gopherspace, assuming people started using it, which would be far less effort than Google-style full text search, but also far more effective than Veronica[5]'s selector-only search. Between VF-1, circumlunar.space and my retrogrouch Mastodon client (not "launched" yet, but usable for the basics, email me if you're really interested), I need another project like I need a hole in the head, but if you've been looking for some interesting way to serve gopherspace, you're very welcome to this idea. I would definitely begin tagging my posts if I knew somebody was working on this. Tags: #tags #gopher #search [1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/1/~dokuja/fds [2] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/1/~dokuja/phlog [3] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/1/en/bongusta [4] gopher://gopher.black:70/1/moku-pona/ [5] gopher://gopher.floodgap.com:70/1/v2