Logout is back! 05/15/24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you guys see that logout is back to writing in his phlog[1]? There's a lot of cool stuff from this month in there, go check it out! If you like BASIC, perhaps you noticed as logout did that the language turned 60 on the 1st[2]. For him, it's one of his top most used languages today, which brings a smile of joy to my face, personally. He encourages us to "Keep BASIC alive!"; for my part, my anonymous gopher shell (The Red Consensus, a Circumlunar.space project) is written in Chimpmunk BASIC. It's be more or less continuously running for a few years now! If you're an Atari fan (who isn't?) then you'll want to read about his experiences with an Atari TT running Unix System V[3]. And if you're not interested in that (who are you?!), you should at least check out the post for the screenshot that logout was able to mine out of the hard drive image. It's a thing of beauty. (as an aside, check out this project: http://firebee.org/fb-bin/index) Also need to say howdy for the APRStoot post[4]! It sounds like ham radio regs are sort of awesome in the Czech Republic... I don't know how well igate will get my packets over there, but I'm certainly going to hook up the 2m to my computer and try out OK1ZXS-15 :) Great to read from you logout! Thanks for keeping bongusta running (still the best), and for the phlog. [1] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/1/phlog/ [2] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2024-05-01_sixty_years_of_basic.txt [3] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2024-05-06_atari_system_v.txt [4] gopher://i-logout.cz:70/0/phlog/posts/2024-05-11_aprstoot.txt