Port Problems 06/21/24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For years I've run gopher, SSH, and VNC through my home internet IP and personal router. A few days ago, all my port forwarding stopped working. I tried resetting everything, double-checking configs (which have not changed); I even dropped in another router that I have, just in case. Nothing has worked to restore the port forwarding magic, to any of my internal systems that used it. My guess at this point is that my ISP discovered that I have some non-standard things going on, and blocked me. I've reached out to them via email to ask, just in case there is a possibility that I may be able to change their mind. Of course, I'll have to get in touch with someone who knows what a port is first... but it's a small business, so hopefully the chances are greater. Wish me luck. If this doesn't work, I suppose it will be time to say goodbye to the not-oft-used Red Consensus. Everything has an end, so it won't be a big deal. But I'd prefer to keep it going I suppose.