A Rare Book 06/21/24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in a thrift shop this morning, looking at books, when I came across a volume that looked interesting. Tree of Codes, by Jonathan Safran Foer I picked it up, of course, and read the back cover--which revealed absolutely nothing. I flipped through it and noticed it was not a normal book... this book was a die-cut wonder, with words peeking through seemingly randomly cut panels to reveal a sort of story (or part of one). My first thought was, "Ah, this is a pretentious piece of so-called art." Then I thought perhaps it would be fascinating to attempt to read... maybe it had something hidden that I would enjoy. I wandered around the store with it, planning to buy it (they sell paperbacks for $0.10 there, what could I lose?). After a while, my internal debate ended with the thought, "Nah, I don't need some bizarre book laying around. If it can't even tell me what it's about, why should I bother? I have better things to do." I walked back to the shelf to return it. Standing in front of the bookshelf, I turned the volume over once more in my hands, and noticed that the original price for the book was $40. That's a lot for a paperback, even in today's world. Then I wondered, "How much might these sell for on eBay?" (I still find it amazing that I have the internet in my pocket all the time. The first phone I had with internet was the Nokia 3650. That thing was a wacky beast, but I was amazed at what I could do with it. But I digress.) Within seconds, I could see that this volume in my hands was listed for anywhere between $220-$400 dollars. It was A Rare Book. Of course I bought the volume, and read about it a little. While it is interesting in its own way, I don't have a place for it in my life. But I do have an eBay account. And so, there is now a bargain copy of Tree of Codes for only $175, for interested collectors everywhere :) Whether it is, in fact, a pretentious piece of so-called art I will leave up to the buyer. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335452245705