Poison ivy, the plant (zaibatsu), 05/21/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ I've successfully learned to identify poison ivy[1]. Growing up running around in the forests of Oregon, I got very familiar with poison oak, so I thought it'd be easy enough, but I found that poison ivy is a little bit more of a chameleon. Sites that help with identification readily admit that it can come in many subtly different forms[2], and while the old "leaves of three" adage is useful, I prefer a more solid footing. Of course, my surety comes at a cost[3]. I found a few plants that I thought fit the description along the creek behind my house, put on some disposable gloves, and removed them in preparation for weed whacking. Unfortunately, I missed one or two, and didn't see them until the string on my trimmer turned them to pulp. My other mistake was not wearing long sleeves; little tiny bits of the plants spattered on my arms. Thankfully, the rash isn't terrible, and I know for sure that my identification was correct. Like the dangers of the fire swamp[4], now that I can recognize the problem, I can easily avoid it. [1] gopher://gopherpedia.com:70/0/Toxicodendron radicans [2] https://www.poison-ivy.org/identify-poison-ivy-poison-oak [3] gopher://gopherpedia.com:70/0/Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis [4] c'mon, it's a Princess Bride reference, no citation needed!