Re:yargo, Digital Minimalism (zaibatsu), 08/06/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ Yargo wrote about digital minialism yesterday[1], on a Palm III no less. Not sure if a keyboard was used, or graffiti[2], but either way, the awesome level is high. I'm with Yargo in that I don't use social media, and I'm not a ravenous consumer of the latest and greatest devices. I paid $50 for my phone. I've done the dumb-phone thing recently, but couldn't keep it up because of work requirements. I'm probably not the target audience for the book he reviewed. Still, the concept appeals to me, as one who is already sold on the benefit of digital minimalism. The concept of a declutter phase and a "technology fast" appeal to me. I'll have to see what I can do with the notions. Thanks for sharing yargo! [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// (Palm OS)