An old book (, 03/24/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------ I thought I wrote about it, but maybe I did not. A while back, I ordered a somewhat rare book from a shop in the UK. Yesterday, it finally arrived. The book was "Michael O'Halloran" by Gene Stratton-Porter. I've talked about it before, I'm sure. It's one of my favorite books. The copy I got was printed in 1915. It has a beautiful color plate in the front matter. There is no imprint indicating which printing it was from (if there were multiple printings of this version), and I'm not expert enough to tell you from any other indicators. It is in reasonably good condition. I have the book digitally, and have had it for years. I've never owned a physical copy, but have always wanted to have one. To me, books are beautiful, and good books are especially beautiful. That's why I'm sharing. If you haven't read it, get it digitally[1], or even just listen to it[2]. It's a simple story, from a simple time. It has some interesting plot and literary devices, and is well worth your time and energy. [1] [2]