The umbra is not hidden (zaibatsu), 05/21/2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ I was thinking the other day, that folks might see my umbra folder as a sort of less-important placement of an important topic. Spirituality is important to me (religion is too, but less so), so I don't want it to have a back seat in any sense. The umbra folder just makes sense for this gopher hole, because the main phlog is for other things. I enjoy the separation. The name implies that this topic is in the shadow. I *think* the ascii art and headlines in this folder are clear enough: the reference is to grex downtime and its effects on user content. Ah well, you're right, it's bizarre and unclear. This phlog post will fix everything. The umbra is just a fun name for a folder. The content is important to me personally. It's easy to find if desired.