Wow. So much to  write about, but I'm no wordsmith  so I'll try to
       keep this brief. Regarding signal to noise, kvothe [1] strives for
       keeping the SNR higher in efforts  to preserve the value of gopher
       and phlogs. I too wish to phost about interesting subjects, and my
       futile  efforts to  force myself  to write  have only  resulted in
       details of the mundane. Hopefully the acknowledgement of this will
       help keep clarity in most (let's be honest) future phosts.
       Coffee. Can't  live without  it. Can't help  debating about  it. I
       prefer mine  smooth and with a  little cream and am  happy with it
       from drip, french press or  pourover. Probably many other ways too
       but those are  the most common, and while other  means may be nice
       and fancy,  the juice isn't worth  the squeeze. Or grind,  in this
       I don't know  if I'm in the  minority or not but I  have no qualms
       about  instant  coffee. Instant  coffee  is  convenient and  often
       useful for a midday  cup when a full pot is  too much. Currently I
       like the premixed packets from  companies such as Maxim, Rose Bud,
       or Owl [2], but Taster's Choice is A-OK. These instant packets are
       ready to  go and are balanced  quite nicely. Maybe it's  because I
       spent a  few seasons  as a  professional camper,  but it  hits the
       Now  on to  the dogpile  of the  half-week: connoisseurship.  I've
       spent a  few days trying  to organize  my thoughts on  this whilst
       reading everyone's opinions. Each  comment had my mind exclaiming,
       "ooh! ooh!",  but I've long  since forgotten  what I was  going to
       mention  for each,  so please  bear with  me on  what little  I do
       remember.  I'm already  going to  skip the  similar sentiments  to
       avoid this being a reverb room:
       Solderpunk  [3]  hinted  that  connoisseurship  is  cultivated  by
       "commercialised artisanship".
       Commercialised artisanship -- the juxtaposition of these two words
       is fantastic. These two words question the legitimacy of the craft
       product movement. Kvothe points out  how beer [4] too is overtaken
       by the craft  craze. Don't misunderstand me; I love  craft beer. I
       had a whole rant on the  industry written out but I thought better
       of it because it's unproductive. So I'm changing the subject.
       Connoisseurship shouldn't  be loathed  because it's the  result of
       obsessing over every  detail. To do so is to  loathe the quest for
       knowledge. That is a quality of  a hobby. The difference between a
       hobbyist  and a  connoisseur is pretentiousness, and  that, to me,
       is a quality worthy of scorn.
       Shout out  to sparcipx [5],  whose phosts I wanted  to incorporate
       but I ended up in dead ends.
  TEXT [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/kvothe/phlog/2018/02/19-snr
  HTML [2] http://www.owl.com.sg
  TEXT [3] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/solderpunk/phlog/against-connoisseurship.txt
  TEXT [4] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/kvothe/phlog/2018/02/26-connoisseurship
  TEXT [5] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/sparcipx/phlog/February_2018/02-26-18