I've been lazy for the  past week procrastinating on writing about
       the  joys of  retro/limited  computing, modems,  phones and  VOIP.
       Well, do I have news for you: I'm *still* not going to write about
       that today.
       Instead,  I'm  going  to  write a  much  shorter  entry  regarding
       Tomasino's recent  phlog on gophermaps  [1]. For the most  part, I
       agree with  his stance  regarding this.  Gophermaps are  great for
       links to  related content and in  my opinion makes for  a pleasant
       experience.  Where I  feel we  diverge is  with regards  to client
       choice. In my situation, using  an "outdated" client is strictly a
       choice, however,  I can't assume  that everyone else has  the same
       luxury.  There  may  be  users  running  on  older  equipment  and
       operating systems that don't have the latest software available.
       Finally, simply suggesting using client  X reminded me of the days
       where  websites  were  "designed  for  Internet  Explorer  Y"  and
       "designed for H x V resolution".
       I  certainly hope  Tomasino  doesn't take  this  personally, as  I
       understand that he's trying to do (and succeeding) what many of us
       are: produce interesting content in an enjoyable format.
       So  instead  of  ranting,  I've   brought  a  solution.  It's  not
       production ready, more of a proof of concept -- something I bashed
       together to  see if  it would  work. Because of  this, I  will not
       include a handy  link but will instead just post  the URL in text.
       Nillify will take a gophermap URL and try to convert it to text.
       It's pretty  dumb, quick, and dirty,  but it may be  useful. Maybe
       I'll play around with it more when I get a chance (ha!).
       On another  note, tfurrows  [2] wants to  prepare for  the general
       exam. Hey! Me too! If you're  interested, maybe we can shoot study
       questions or talk theory  sometime. Anything that'll make learning
       fun should make it easier to recall.
       Also, welcome and welcome back mnw [3] and snowdusk [4]!
       Huh, maybe that wasn't so short after all...
       Tags: #gopher #hamradio #welcome
  TEXT [0] Text-only version
   DIR [1] gopher://gopher.black/1/phlog/20180701-why-i-use-gophermaps
  TEXT [2] gopher://vernunftzentrum.de/0/tfurrows/phlog/ai8_theBook.txt
   DIR [3] gopher://sdf.org/1/users/mnw
   DIR [4] gopher://sdf.org/1/users/snowdusk/phlog