New month,  new entry. I'm  trying to  write more, not  because of
       some self imposed quota, but because  I want to. With all the high
       quality content here  in gopherspace, it can be  a bit bewildering
       to live up to those standards. But  then I realized that it was me
       who was holding me back; my own fear was keeping me from realizing
       my own desires.  So my advice to myself and  anyone foolish enough
       to listen to me is this: write for yourself.
       I'm using the raspberry pi more frequently and keeping the desktop
       shut off.  Most of my computing  needs are served just  fine using
       the  pi. Sure,  the  desktop  is great  for  games  and the  wowza
       multimedia on  the Interwebs, but simple  text-based communication
       is just  as easily  served on  this little  SBC. Not  that they're
       particularly cramped  anyways. It plays  CD quality audio  and has
       way more CPU,  RAM, and overall capability than a  C64 and look at
       all the stuff we managed to do on those 8-bits!
       The  Allstarlink  project is  moving,  albeit  slowly. My  initial
       thought of  adapting my  current setup to  the Allstar  kinda fell
       apart. First, the plan to use GPIO and a MAX232 to use RTS/CTS for
       PTT/COS fell  apart when  I learned the  TODO for  GPIO capability
       turned into a TODO:NEVER. Plus the  MAX232 turned to be a dud even
       after reflowing the solder on the board and connectors.
       Plan B. I have a compatible (I think) USB sound fob, using a DP108
       instead of a CM108, but the soldering will have to wait on that. I
       don't  have thin  enough wire  to  pull the  IO pins  out, and  my
       enthusiasm is waning.
       Ok, well, at least since I'm  ditching my original setup I can use
       a dedicated UHF  commercial mobile and pull the  COS/COT line out.
       The solder pad is already present  and ready for a wire. Should be
       a piece  of cake. All  that's left is to  order the URI,  unless I
       really want to go through with the sound fob modification.
       I think I'm going  to wrap it up before it  gets too long. There's
       still some stuff I want to do before I call it a night.
       Tags: #writing #raspberrypi #hamradio 
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