Long time, gophernauts! I really need to stop being lazy and write
       more. I keep wanting to cover so many topics, then I have to write
       them down or else I'll forget. So just write more, right?
       It's been so long that I  almost forgot I added my chili recipe[1]
       to the  gopherhole. I  won't bore  you with  the details  but it's
       nothing fancy. Just functional food that's easy to make.
       I also  want to welcome  moji[2] to  the server. I've  enjoyed the
       content so far -- keep up the good work!
       jebug29 announced[3]  that one of the  Millsaps Computer Club's[4]
       DEC VT320 serial terminals is  now working thanks to some adapters
       I sent to him.  This makes me happy to hear,  and to celebrate I'm
       writing this post on  my VT420. I think it will  be great for this
       equipment to get a new lease  on life and hopefully be appreciated
       in a way that  they didn't enjoy when they were  simply a means to
       an end. Shine  on you crazy diamond. Some wiring  diagrams for MMJ
       will be posted in the future.
       I had a  fleeting thought in a fit of  public access enthusiasm to
       devise a method to connect  my Commodore One[5][6] for public use.
       I scrapped the idea due to the complexity of adapting the hardware
       to  allow reprogramming,  coordinating power  states, etc.  And of
       course, the admission that I don't need another project to be half
       completed and  my concern  of wearing out  the FPGA  with frequent
       programmings. But  I feel the  idea should be explored.  Maybe not
       the C-One specifically, but public access FPGAs perhaps to augment
       a public access system. It  would have to be moderated, naturally,
       but to be able to collaborate on VHDL for a community benefit just
       intrigues me. What would such a community create?
       But if  anyone is interested in  making a 2A03 core  for the C-One
       let me know. This  idea's been on and off for years  in my head. I
       just don't  know if  it's worthwhile given  the prevalence  of NES
       SoCs and emulation now.
       solderpunk  posted[7]  about threat  modeling,  which  was what  I
       wanted  to mention  during christina's[8]  personal data  security
       inquiry that I  was too lazy to write about.  In addition to those
       excellent  posts,  I just  wanted  to  point out  EFF's  excellent
       materials  on  threat  modeling[9]. Actually,  their  surveillance
       self-defense site[10] is a great primer on the subject.
       Circumlunar's  shell  BBS has  an  interesting  topic on  S2O,  an
       overnighter  bikepacking trip.  This  is very  cool, because  it's
       great for those  who are limited on time and  planning. There is a
       campground nearby that would be ideal for this adventure. The site
       is a bit too prepared for my  preferences, but it will make a good
       experimental  candidate.  Also, it's  close  enough  that I  could
       probably implement a 9600 baud AX.25  link to home. I need to mark
       a date on the calendar to make this happen.
       Tags: #recipe #gopher #circumlunar #serial #c-one #fpga #ssd #s2o #cycling
  TEXT [0] Text-only version
  TEXT [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/dokuja/recipes/20180805_chili.txt
   DIR [2] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/~moji/
  TEXT [3] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/jebug29/log/2018-09/05-2250
   DIR [4] gopher://mpcclub.info/
  TEXT [5] gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/C-One
  HTML [6] http://c64upgra.de/c-one/
  TEXT [7] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~solderpunk/phlog/data-security-threat-models.txt
  TEXT [8] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~christina/InfosecAndDataPrivacy.txt
  TEXT [9] https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/assessing-your-risks (via gopher)
  HTML [9] https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/assessing-your-risks
  HTML [10] https://ssd.eff.org/
  TEXT [11] Garbage