Just a quick update on cyclocross.
       Wow, what fun!  I haven't raced in a long  time and I forgot
       how much I enjoy it. The  people there were all friendly and
       supportive. I really love communities like that.
       I was slow, as to be expected,  but no worries! I made it to
       the finish line, which was my  goal. My heart rate was above
       95%  on average  and  I  had to  really  manage myself  from
       getting too  deep into the  red zone. Also, a  new discovery
       that my  max HR was  higher than  I had estimated.  New high
       score! By the  end, I was getting  pretty lackadaisical with
       my dismounts and remounts so I'll need to pay more attention
       in that  area. Also: get  better. That  way I'll be  able to
       enjoy the  experience instead  of just  being along  for the
       Unfortunately I woke up that  morning with the beginnings of
       a cold,  and the race did  not help in that  department. The
       sore throat and coughing have  mostly subsided so I'm really
       hoping I'll recover before next weekend's race.
       Aside from that, the bike handled well, and there was plenty
       of grip with the tires. I might  even be able to drop down a
       little more pressure for even more grip.
       My  friend also  raced for  the first  time, which  makes me
       happy. I don't think the  experience scared him away so even
       The local rodeocross isn't  happening this Wednesday so I'll
       have  to wait  a  week  for that  event.  I  also heard  the
       Halloween race  is a ton of  fun, so I'm looking  forward to
       that provided the weather cooperates.
       Ok, time to get some sleep. I'll talk about other stuff next
       time, hopefully phones and radios!
       Tags: #bicycling #cyclocross
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