Hello again, it's the closing minutes for 2018 so I needed to make
       an entry for December. Completely arbitrary, I know, but sometimes
       you need to set goals.
       Anyways, this one  is going to be really short  but more is coming
       soon. Looking at  my todo file that I've  been procrastinating on,
       I've got to push out some entries so I actually follow through.
       My most recent achievement was to offer some of Tom Maddox's scifi
       on gopher[1]. I'm  also working on using a USB  audio interface on
       Linux. If I'm successful I'll publish some notes and caveats on my
       Anyways, that's all for now. Have a Happy New Year!
       Tags: #newyears #scifi #tommaddox #audio
  TEXT [0] Text-only version
   DIR [1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/1/~dokuja/tommaddox