Hello gophernauts and occ participants!
       The rest  of the week went  off without much incident,  although I
       did try some additional things.  toot still wasn't working for me.
       After this closes, I will spend  some time determining if it's the
       particular build, memory or bandwidth constraints that was causing
       it. I remembered after the previous  entry that I was going to try
       newsraft  instead  of  snownews,  since  newsboat  needs  rust  to
       function. Similar issues as with toot.
       Since the  challenge is  in some  ways similar  to last  year, the
       workflow  was pretty  comfortable,  save for  fancy webpages  that
       netsurf  or lynx  can't deal  with. The  additional limitation  of
       bandwidth is  what caused  me to  shy away  from the  internet for
       general web  entertainment. No  javascript and modern  features is
       one thing, but time to establish  a TLS session and load a typical
       webpage on 38 kilobaud is an  exercise in patience,  one that made
       me seek  other forms of entertainment  once I had my  fill of irc,
       netnews and email.
       I ended  up finishing a  library book,  On Tyranny by  Snyder, and
       started  a new  library  book  Burning Chrome  by  Gibson. By  the
       weekend I was looking at my  thinkpad for a refresh. I did indulge
       in modern computers  and network to download and  write the images
       to USB. It turned out that yes, it was a partitioning issue that I
       was  having starting  with OpenBSD  7.2 upgrade,  and that  a mild
       repartitioning seems to have solved that problem. Gentoo got wiped
       out as well  but I needed to  refresh that anyways. I  did use the
       slow computer to set up the  desktop for distcc duties so I didn't
       completely abandon OCC.
       Anyways, it  was a fun challenge.  I'm quite happy to  see all the
       activity on IRC and it's been a  nice place to hang out during the
       challenge. Some of the lessons I learned, especially with the slow
       link, should be useful for this year's ROOPHLOCH.
       Tags: #oldcomputerchallenge #limitedinternet #rss
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