Hello again gopher friends
       Tonight's going to be a quick mash  of random stuff off the top of
       my head before I  forget. I hope to flesh out  some of these later
       if I get motivated. I'll  probably forget something and will write
       a new entry for that/those as well.
       I've  been  thinking about  the  connection  machine a  lot,  just
       randomly pops  into mind. It's  a fascinating machine, and  I love
       the look. Which also lead me to think about WAIS again.
       Read the  Water Knife, and  reading Burning Chrome. Both  of these
       books have been thought provoking.
       During the  heat waves I wondered  why I hadn't heard  about solar
       concentrator absorption chillers, which would seem like an obvious
       solution. I did  find some projects such as ISAAC  [1], so that is
       heartening.  Still,  I  think  it  would be  a  good  exercise  to
       figure  out how  to  make one  using some  reflectors  and an  old
       propane powered fridge. Maybe using  those evacuated tubes and the
       parabolic troughs perhaps.  Also wondering how where I  am and the
       world  at  large will  be  like  in the  event  of  AMOC and  ENSO
       collapse, something I hadn't figured into my calculus before.
       Also thinking about EV conversions as  of late. Never did like the
       waste  of  throwing  away  something  so  resource  intensive  and
       hopefully there will be nice  legal and monetary incentives that I
       hope will spur interest. As it so happens, my friend, who I helped
       a  little bit  way  back  when for  an  EV motorcycle  conversion,
       recently completed a  conversion for his truck.  I'm quite excited
       and love  chatting about that sort  of stuff. Learning a  fair bit
       Finally, I've been working on some repurposed thing clients for my
       desktop, and  whatever else  some light  computing is  needed. The
       pi-pocalypse  and  desire  for  a simpler  and  unified  computing
       environment  conspired on  this  one. Also,  the  nudge for  these
       little Wyse devices from someone on  OCC. Cool thing is that I got
       a few  of them for  something like $15  each, which is  way better
       than any Pi nowadays.
       Anyways, as it always seems to be, it's late. Goodnight.
       Tags: #connectionmachine #think #oldcomputerchallenge #ev #wyse
  TEXT [0] Text-only version
  HTML [1] https://www.energy-concepts.com/_pages/app_isaac_solar_ice_maker.htm