Hello gophernauts, long time (again)
       As always, been  meaning to write up a little  bit but never quite
       squeaked out the time to do so. I've got a little bit of time this
       week so I dusted off the ol'  G3 to get my phlogging on. This will
       also be  the device  I'm planning  on using  for the  old computer
       challenge  this year,  and also  the G4  iBook when  I have  to be
       portable. It's  a pleasant enough  machine to tool around  on, but
       I'm not quite convinced I enjoy it for phlogging as much as my old
       box connected  to a serial  terminal. I  think I prefer  the focus
       there, and the bigger characters are a bonus as well.
       I've been reading The Undersea Network recently which has inspired
       me to  think about communication  and networking again  lately. So
       far it's  an interesting read that  makes me think more  about the
       social and communal impacts of  the network and our demands placed
       upon them. Don't be alarmed if  I start banging on about resilient
       radio networks  and the  necessary changes  for data  and distance
       that will require. It would be  fantastic to meet enough people in
       order to  start creating  a decentralized  network here,  but most
       seem  content with  the  status  quo. Perhaps  I  should lower  my
       throughput and aim for longer distances instead.
       Finally I'm  trying to get  my thoughts gathered  regarding search
       over  the past  few  years. It's  become a  hotter  issue now  for
       reasons  you  all  are  likely  aware  of,  but  this  may  be  an
       opportunity to try something new, if  we are able to slow down for
       a moment.
       That's  probably the  core,  isn't it?  Lately  I've been  finding
       myself in smaller and smaller  spaces out of necessity and choice.
       Perhaps that's how things always  are, and hopefully something was
       accomplished to ease movement of future travelers.
       Tags: #occ #network #radio #search #slow
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