`:+syhhyo    +yhhys+:.                                       
                       .+yddho:`  `.--.`  `-ohddy+.                                    
                     .oddddo`    -osssso.    `odddds.                                  
                    -hddddd`     +ssssss+     `dddddd-                                 
                    yddddddo`    .+ssss+`    `oddddddy                                 
                    ydddddddho:`   `..`   `:ohdddddddh                                 
                       .+hddddddddy    yddddddddh+-                                    
                          .:ydddddy    ydddddd:.                                       
                            :dddddy    ydddddo                                         
                            `hddddy    yddddd.                                         
                             +ddddy    ydddds                                          
                             .ddddy    ydddd:                                          
                   _   ___                            
                  (_) /___\_ __   ___ _ __   ___ _ __ 
                  | |//  // '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__|
                  | / \_//| |_) |  __/ | | |  __/ |   
                  |_\___/ | .__/ \___|_| |_|\___|_|   
       The iOpener Netpliance was an internet appliance from
       the late 90's early 2000's. The various hardware
       revisions all shipped as the NP-1000.
       The internet still has plenty of info on hacking these
       to run *nix, but many of the required files are getting
       harder and harder to find. Those files are here, plus a
       few custom files that you won't find anywhere else for 
       the V4 iOpener. I'm happy to share any info I have, send
       an email to tfurrows@sdf.org
       (contact me for files offline, if you need any, no room
       to store them here.)
   DIR ..
   DOS V540.zip
   DOS V540a.zip
  TEXT WYSE_case.txt
   BIN io256kbios.bin
   DOS iopener.kmap.gz
  TEXT iopener_ascii.txt
  TEXT iopener_ascii2.txt
   IMG iopener_tour.jpg
  TEXT mods.txt
   BIN qnxflash
   DOS qnxflash.1.02.tgz
   BIN v3b_bios_original.bin
  TEXT xorg.txt